For my Publication Design Class I am creating a book on a collection of the notes passed during grade school (or church or anywhere really) and the stories revolving around them. I was wondering if you would be able to take some time out of your busy schedule to help me out with this project.
First, did you ever pass notes? Go back to that time and remember what it was like....
Did you ever get caught? If so, I want to know the whole story, please spill..
How secret were your notes? Did you have code names and secret hiding spots? How did it work exactly?
What were the conversations like in these notes?
If you think of any other anecdotes that happened during your note passing day’s I would love to hear about them!
***Another major thing *** I would like to ask if you’ve kept any notes? And if you would be willing to let me borrow them? All I would do is scan them in and give them back, don’t worry I’ll be very gentle. Hey, and if your embarrassed to let me read them ask yourself this question, “Why did I keep these folded up pieces of paper for X# of years in a dusty box or drawer?” The answer is “Because Sami needs them and wants to love them at their full potential.” I am even willing to come get them.
Please e-mail me back with some grand tales, or if you have any questions.
Thank you so much. This will be oh so much fun.