I could say the picture on the left was her front door, but I would be lying. The one on the right is... Classic.
Gradient blue skies. Brighton was gorgeous. Floating seagulls. Hold on to your babies or they might drift away.
A minnesotan in the UK
When people asked me where I was from, almost everyone had no clue where Minnesota was in the US. Which didn't bother me much. Once in San Fran a waiter thought MN was a city in Wisconsin (close, I guess). However, in London 3 very distinct people did.
Response number one was from an intoxicated guy in Shorditch, who after hearing my accent grabbed my arm and escorted me down the street. "Kevin Garnett!" was his very enthusiastic response.. obviously our conversation didn't last long after that.
Response number two was from a very bubbly waiter at E.Pellici. He was really into the vikings, for reasons I definitely don't understand.
The last person was a guy on the tube who reeked of Jägermeister. He heard my accent while trying to shove Jelley Bellies down my throat. Twins...Baseball....Monroe... unfortunately he had to get off at the next shop.
Thanks for the convo guys. I'm so glad that your connection with my home state is something I really know nothing about.
A fellow Minnesotan in the UK
While on the train to Windsor--doing the touristy thing (hanging my head in shame, I admit that I was a major tourist--with a headset-walking-tour and everything). We were seated behind two girls from MN. Eavesdropping is a fabulous thing. The English boy they were traveling with asked how different MN is from England. The talkative one very loudly explained that "MN is much more laid back then England. You don't have to dress-up. I mean, it's ok to wear sweatpants everyday." I sank a little lower in my seat. I'm sorry, but who told you it was ever acceptable to swear sweatpants everyday, or in public at all. I guess I did the pj's in high school thing and some ridiculous outfits even after, but definitely didn't wear sweatpants everyday. I'm assuming she was a freshman/sophmore, so I shouldn't be too harsh. But, Hunny wherever you are in the world, I hope you grow out of it. I cringed as she declared this as an MN norm to the British. Does this make us relaxed or just lazy? I'm thinking lazy.
Overall, great time. Do it again? In a heartbeat.
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